All orders shipped within India are liable for free delivery where the amount of the order exceeds INR 1000. We ship your products within 7-14 days. We typically use First Flight courier service to deliver your orders. It may take up to 2-3 business days for your order to reach at your doorstep from the day it has been shipped. In case the orders are below INR 1000 you pay flat shipping rate of INR 200.
All orders shipped outside India require you to pay the delivery charges based on the weight of products. You can take advantage of our online shipping caculator to get estimated price. All the products are shipped through well reputed international courier services like TNT, UPS, FedEx etc. We ship your products within 7-14 days. It may take up to 4-5 business days for your order to reach at your doorstep from the day it has been shipped.
Shipping Destinations
Adonai ships it's products to almost all the countries. There is a requirement to change your addresses if required, before the shipment is made. Any changes in the address after shipment will cost additional charges.
Tracking Orders
We provide online tracking IDs for every order made on our online store. We have email facility to inform our customers about tracking the orders. These emails are sent to the email addresses of the customers.
Bulk Orders
Bulk orders are accepted by the Adonai Hardware team and thus we have a form to be filled for such orders. Please find the link at the bottom of the home page under Extras. The number of days that the orders will take for shipment may vary according to the quantity of the products. One of our team members will get in touch with the customers as soon as possible.
Calculation of Delivery Charges
The delivery charges are summed up as one time delivery fee for all orders. The weight of the products is taken into account while calculating the delivery charges. There is a single delivery charge levied on all products that are bought in one go.
Products Policy
Delivery of goods is made to the registered addresses of the customers after they agree to pay for the goods. Any changes to the addresses should be made prior to the shipment being shipped. Adonai Hardware is not liable for any delays caused by the international or national courier services after the goods are shipped. There is a guarantee of shipping the products within 14 business days from the day the payment is received.